Institutional Research

Institutional Research(IR) is the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data to support planning, evaluation, and management.

The staff includes:

Learty L. (Troy) Shaw – Director of Institutional Research and Decision Support

Alicia M. Dean – Associate Director of Institutional Research and Decision Support

Cindy Glance -  Institutional Research Analyst
(478) 301-2473

Enrollment and Credit Hours trend reports provide fall semester enrollment comparisons. Reports are updated annually.

The Term Enrollment Profiles provide over ten years of term-specific enrollment data in total and by college. The profile has two major components. The "Demographic Profile" provides student headcount and FTE statistics by ethnicity, age, and religious preference for each fall quarter/semester. The "Academic Profile" provides student headcount and FTE statistics by career level, student classification, degree program, major and special program participation for each quarter/semester.

Degrees Awarded provides muti-year information on degrees awarded by school, degree type and major. The reports are updated annually.

Fall Staff Headcounts by Occupational Category provides trend information from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Fall Staff survey. The report provides a snapshot of human resources data as of November 1.

The Common Data Set is a standard response to college guides and other surveys requesting information about Mercer University. The document follows the format of the Common Data Set (CDS) which was developed as a collaborative effort between publishers (College Board, Wintergreen/Orchard House, Peterson's and U.S. News and World Report) and colleges. It is updated annually.

The Graduation Rate Disclosure provides graduation/completion rates in accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965.

Programs by CIP Codes provides a comprehensive list of Mercer's program offerings, organized by the U. S. Department of Education's Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes.